We were not at the farmers market this Sunday since we did our first two catering gigs that day! (what???? you don't say!!!.....more on that soon :) :)).
We are going to be travelling soon. Before we left, I wanted to try my hand at making my own instant chai mix since I would be missing my beloved 4'o clock freshly brewed cup of masala chai. I tried quite a few of the instant chai mixes that are easily available at super markets these days, but none of them were to my liking. So I thought I would make my own.
Got myself a packet of dried milk powder, blended my own set of spices and re-engineered a tea bag to hold the loose leaf black tea that I usually use. Blended all the ingredients together, boiled some water and added it to the mix.The honest verdict?...the first cup was ....blah!...the second cup...not as bad...by the third cup I was pretty sure that I was onto something. It doesn't come close to the freshly brewed cup but it is not half as bad as I thought it would be.
I did end up taking this blend with me. Now need to come back and work on it some more !