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Writer's picturethekettlechai

Sold Out!

Our first farmers event yesterday was a sell out! What a day! The excitement of selling something that you have created with so much love and attention, to your first paying customer is a high compared to none! This customer was an absolute stranger, not family or a friend who has been gently nudged, prodded , coerced ;) into buying your wares. During the course of the morning we sold to many such strangers who walked in for their love of Chai. Thank you Cupertino for the love that you showed us!

A special shout out to all our friends and family who turned up to show us their love and support! Your presence there meant the world!

Can't wait for next Sunday!

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U Das
U Das
Mar 05, 2019

And here's a shout out from the ones who Geography prevents from turning up!

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